Crafts Recipes Life

Saturday, May 14, 2011


I have been working lately on all sorts of projects keeping myself even more busier than I already am. But am really addicted to my crocheting now. I cant wait to share all the little things I have made lately, all of my favorite blogs with the GREATEST tutes ever for everyone to try out. So bare with me while I still figure out Blogger to set up all my funky sections for recipes and projects and overall chaos of our life!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A work in progress

I am working on setting up my blog finally! I hope to get everything setup from my recipes, tutorials, arts and crafts and our insanely chaotic life.

You will notice I suck at grammar and spelling. I type and write what I think and always forget to proof read, besides with a 5 yo and a 2.5 yo and pregnancy brain who can blame me??? So bare with my insane ramblings and I will forever be grateful.